The Sweet-Tooth Friendly Diet!

The tiresome battle of the bulge is certainly something all of us – save a select few of those “ectomorphs” who don’t know how lucky they are – are familiar with and wary of in no uncertain measure. So, with the good folks at Dabur Honey ( having floated a prompt – #HoneyDietIsHere – to extol the virtues of a balanced diet, I feel more than compelled to take them up on their line of advocacy.

For they, in addition to making honey that’d rouse the most soundly hibernated bear, also seem to know exactly what they’re talking about with this diet stuff. Specifically, they want not only the advantages of a healthy and balanced diet to be brought out, but also the nutritional detriments of a crash diet.

Time and again, through the course of my posts, I’ve condemned instant gratification – and crash diets, far from being an exception are in for a singularly harsh bashing! Have you been considering a crash diet? Well, read on for a rude wake up call from a rude gym freak:

1. A Crash Diet is lacking in essential nutrients. Now, nutrition consists of micro-nutrients and macro-nutrients. As the names suggest, micro-nutrients are the ones we need in lesser amounts and “macros” what we need in larger helpings. And a crash diet – unlike many bad diet plans, which just miss out on one of the macros and/or a fair few micros – misses out on a lot of the macros and nearly all the micros. Yep. It’s beyond just bad for you.
2. A Crash Diet also drastically alters your metabolism, not only making the diet ineffective, but also seriously damaging. Our bodies are wonderfully adaptive and more of a miracle than we give them credit for. The body will not only adapt quickly to the starvation of your crash diet, slowing the metabolism to make your diet completely ineffective, it’ll also cause you a lot of functional problems everyday on account of your metabolism having gone for a toss.
So yeah, if the word “Crash” wasn’t enough of a warning as to what such a diet may do, there you have it.

So, that really makes for a logical extrapolation towards the benefits of a balanced diet:
1. You get all your nutrients in the right amount and you’re going to be perfectly healthy – your bodily maintenance is going to be carried out properly, your injuries are going to heal the way they’re supposed to and your everyday functionality will be smooth sailing.
2. Your “results” are going to be lasting as a balanced diet will not have wreaked havoc with your metabolism.

Which is where a really neat hack of mine comes in! We all have “sweet tooths”. We all know we can’t do without that sweet sweet sugar! We try and try, and try as we might, we one day we succumb to the irrestible call of the white powder and are left with only the ruins of our self-esteem.
And that’s where the “Honey Diet” ( comes in! For honey, you see, is god’s gift to mankind! The joy of sugar, without the diabetes and fat and none of the worries associated with artificial sweeteners!

So without further ado, open yourself a bottle of Dabur Honey and let that sweet sweet “Honey Diet” begin!

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