Natural and Simple Skin Care Tips

VICCO Turmeric Cream, the cream of India – which everyone has heard of at least from it’s ubiquitous and undeniably catchy radio advertisements – has floated a prompt “#ComeCloser” for pointers on how to have jealousy inducing, glowing skin – “natural and simple” tips at that. You can check out this particular product for healthy skin right here:

We live in a time where there’s a veritable smorgasbord, plethora even, of skin care products out there – particularly those claiming to specialize in that most prominent display area we sometimes refer to as our face. And honestly, if one ever does take the trouble to look at the labels on one of most of these dastardly concoctions (if you will), you find an array of chemical ingredients which are at first glance rather beguiling and on a second glance (post even the sketchiest of research) downright harmful.

Which is why VICCO has lasted so long as a firm favourite and is still always something one can recommend without spreading epithelial agony, for not only is it singularly effective, but is also all natural – it’s Ayurvedic, you see! For those not in the know, “Ayurveda” is the Ancient Indian branch of all natural medicine that left “Allopathic Medicine” in the dust before it was even born!

Now you may be wondering why a scruffy college dude thinks he’s going to be giving you skin care advice and will get away with it, well, it’s simple really. Thinks about it:

Body Image Issues? Check.
Budget Issues? Check.
Pseudo-intellectual hipster attitude about harmful chemicals? Check.

Anyhow, getting back to it, here are my “natural and simple” tips for healthier skin:

1. No Soap on the Face!
Remember my anti-chemical stand back up there? Well, that’s right – all you need is a good regular splash of good old water on your face for your skin to be able to harness its natural glow and beauty! No need for awful chemicals to take precedence over the natural workings of that wondrous and most sophisticated of machines that is the human body!

2. Regular Exercise
Now we all know the cardio-vascular and strength benefits of regular exercise, but at this point, you might be going:
“Well you can stop right there Mr. I’m So Addicted to the Gym! There’s only so many lies you can sell us about this whole exercise business!”
But it’s true! Apart from all the other immense benefits, regular exercise is a sure fire way to the most radiant skin possible! How? It’s simple. Exercise means sweating. And sweating profusely. And sweating is basically the body’s cleansing mechanism. Your pores shall open up! All the impurities will flow out and say hello to glowing, mark-free skin my friend!

Yes indeed! With just these two simple, completely pain free “rituals” (helped along by some of that VICCO Turmeric Cream, of course!), you too can have great, glowing, healthy skin!

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